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Our campaign to evolve the culture of biology into 21st century teaching, is through developing  training for potentially thousands of future faculty in intentional, evidence-based teaching  (EBT) practices.  This collaborative work builds and expands upon a formerly funded NSF Research Coordination Network, the Biology Teaching Assistant Project  (BioTAP).

We will transform the momentum gained by BioTAP into a new phase through this funded work: Evolving the Culture of Biology: Promoting Graduate Teaching Assistant Professional Development  to Foster Efficacy, and Evidence-based Practices. Here we will develop, facilitate, and evaluate a  series of regional Evolving the Culture of Biology (ECB) Workshops, designed to host teams of scholars from institutions across the nation.

Evolving the culture of biology
through teaching assistant training in evidence-based practices

Do you train or work with teaching assistants (TAs) and are interested in developing and/or improving TA professional development 

at your institution?


Consider applying to be a funded ECB Scholar! 



Regional Workshops
Workshop 4 

July 7-9th, 2025

Minneapolis, MN

We will provide funding for multiple teams of scholars to attend the workshop. If your institution is interested in participating in a future workshop, please email us at the link below. 



Want to learn more?

Check out this podcast episode produced by the Portland State University series PDXPLORES on the ECB Project!

Meet The Team

NSF IUSE Award #2142742:  “Evolving the Culture of Biology: Promoting Graduate Teaching Assistant Professional Development to Foster Inclusion, Efficacy, and Evidence-based Practices"

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